I’ve had him for 8 days and he is only 8 days old. Growing everyday…

I’ve had him for 8 days and he is only 8 days old. Growing everyday, eating, burping, and pottying normally. Im keeping him warm on half heating pad with blanket and stuffed animal to cuddle in a draft free dark area. And I clean him several times a day. I know with newborn human babies unless something happens you can usually relax after about a few days. Are kittens the same way?

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Jennifer Sacks
Jennifer Sacks
8 years ago

As long as eating well and you are pottying him, he should be ok. Kittens are always at risk for fading but all you can do is the best you can. Make sure she is warm but also make sure he or she can get away from the heating source if he or she is too warm. Thanks for helping this baby.