I have a 10 year old shihtzu that has a swollen teat. She is not…

I have a 10 year old shihtzu that has a swollen teat. She is not pregnant and not currently in heat. The swelling does not hurt her but is hard almost like marbles around the nipple. She has also been nesting more than usual.

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Anjelica Evins
Anjelica Evins
9 years ago

Thanks for the response!..Do you know what it could possibly be?…I made an appointment for the 15th but should I make an emergency visit?

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

Get her to the vet please!

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

I do not feel it should be an emergency visit as long as there is no heat or pain in the area. Honestly, based on your description and her age I’m worried she may have mammary cancer. I hope I’m wrong and a few days are not likely to result in a better prognosis! If there is any heat, pain or swelling then it could be an infection which should not wait.
Good Luck
Dr Dawn