My 10-yr old Tonkinese cat has a seroma on his throat from fighting with his…

My 10-yr old Tonkinese cat has a seroma on his throat from fighting with his brother (littermate), who bit him in the neck. This happened over a year ago. The vet did full test panel (no cancer), etc and drained it. It refilled within a week. I took him back to drain again, it refilled again. I did NOT want to repeat this cycle for fear of infection (not to mention cost). The seroma is still on his throat and I know bothers him, but does not affect his appetite. All the vet suggests is draining it again. He does eat more slowly than he used to, and doesn’t purr quite as much as he used to. I was hoping it would have shrunk by now, but it hasn’t. Any advice? I am extremely interested in holistic, alternative ideas, if possible. Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I am not a holistic vet but if you were my client I would inquire about doing a culture and sensitivity of the fluid or cytology making sure it isn’t infection or a mucocele or salivary gland abnormality. I would be curious to see if there is more to this than a seroma. I hope this helps.