i tried twce today and the first time i understood cause it was drizzling and…

i tried twce today and the first time i understood cause it was drizzling and he doesn’t like to get wet anymore, but the second time it clears up kinda cloudy but good and he refused to go down the stoop steps and when he finally did he didn’t want to walk just stand there but when i went to sit down he decided to sit next to me and enjoy the weather and get some good love and petting, i know its probably just him wanting more time with me and he does like to enjoy weather sometimes stopping on walks for along time but today was odd he just refused and when i finally said lets go upstairs he rushed ( well as best as he could) to go back up, i know lots of people are home today and he loves to be home with everyone but i was worried and didn’t understand why he wouldn’t want to walk he’s decided on his usual indoor potty today

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Angelica Sori
Angelica Sori
8 years ago

So until I can get him to a vet woukd it be wise to let him just lay in his cushioned bed to rest and ease some pain and not bother him ? I’m also giveinf him a hip and joint treat supplement I’m wondering if that helps any for now.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

I would take him to the vet to be sure everything else is okay.  Likely he has pain secondary to arthritis which is the reason he has slowed down.  Your vet can evaluate this and prescribe therapies that can help.