First I would like to mention that we took our dog to see the vet…

First I would like to mention that we took our dog to see the vet here but he didn’t know what to do to help.
We have have a Daschund. She is quite old – 11 years. And recently was diagnosed with diabetis. She has been shivering and weak since yesterday. What could be the problem?

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Matthew Kelcourse
Matthew Kelcourse
8 years ago

Hello Annija.

Shivering and weakness can be common symptoms of unregulated diabetes and so many other conditions. Because unregulated diabetes can become life-threatening if left unmanaged, you need to seek proper medical care for her; either at your regular veterinarian or request a referral to a specialist.

With the proper care, 11 year olds can lead many more years of a good life.

Dr K