The vet said she would have 90 days either way, whether it was removed…

The vet said she would have 90 days either way, whether it was removed or not.. This dog is everything to me, I am devastated.
Ultra sound and xrays have been done. Vet sent them off for a specialist to read. He said more than likely it has gone into the liver from the looks of it, but not the lungs.
How can I find out if it is malignant? Should I have her spleen removed?

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Elaine Lowry
Elaine Lowry
9 years ago

Thank you so much for addressing my situation. You wrote: “The only way to know if it is malignant is to do a biopsy. If you are going to do that do the splenectomy” Does that mean the splenectomy will be the biopsy? There is a Cancer Center for Dogs in Carlsbad, CA, If it were you would you go with an organization like this rather than an individual vet?

So appreciative,
