Our 12 week pup recently got a crate. She’s been doing great for toilet training…

Our 12 week pup recently got a crate. She’s been doing great for toilet training but urinated in it today. It wasn’t much but the crate door was open and she was playing with her toys and chose to use the crate. Any advice?

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Amy Morley
Amy Morley
9 years ago

She’s urinating as usual but she is going to the vet’s in a few hours so I can ask about a UTI.

Could it be excitement from play time?

Amy Morley
Amy Morley
9 years ago

She’s urinating as usual but she is going to the vet’s in a few hours so I can ask about a UTI.

Could it be excitement from play time?

Amy Morley
Amy Morley
9 years ago

Thanks Laura, I will make sure she get’s checked 🙂

9 years ago

assuming she’s clear of a UTI, at this point in time, you need to make sure she goes out every half hour.

yes, half hour.  without fail.  until she starts holding her urine for an hour, then you can back it up to every hour.

9 years ago

it’s very possible she’s overly excited, but i think it’s always best to rule out a UTI in cases of incontinence in bitch puppies. they seem to be prone to them when young. in fact, the only time mine urinated in her crate, she had a UTI.

good luck. 🙂