I started out having her sleeping in bed with me and we’d go to bed…

I started out having her sleeping in bed with me and we’d go to bed at 12 and shed wake me up anywhere from 8-10 the next morning to go potty. As soon as I put her outside she goes, so she knows she’s supposed to go outside. But she refuses to hold it during the day. She pees probably 10 times and poops 2 times. I will bring her inside and look away for two seconds and she’ll have peed everywhere. So I decided to try crate training her. She doesn’t wake me up to take her out until 9-10 in the morning. So she can obviously hold her pee, she just refuses to during the day? I don’t know how to fix this. It’s getting very frustrating.

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9 years ago

12 weeks is too young to expect reliability with housebreaking.  remember, she’s a tiny baby puppy right now.  you need to teach her a cue (we uses a bell hanging off the doorknob), praise her every time she uses the cue, and you need to make sure she goes out every half hour when she’s awake, immediately before and after all naps, playtime, and food.  at this age, any accident is the human’s fault. 😉

good luck.  puppies are trying at the best of times.