I have a 12 year old Westi (male) who developed a wrenching couch a few…

I have a 12 year old Westi (male) who developed a wrenching couch a few months ago. Besides this cough his life seems normal–no problems with food, stool etc. He has this wrenching cough several times a day. What to do?

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david maytnier
david maytnier
9 years ago

The vet of course wants to give the pooch $1,000 worth of tests which may or may not turn up anything. I was hopine that someone ‘out there’ might be familiar with this problem and could provide more direct advice.

Thanks for your reply.

9 years ago

what did the vet say about that cough when it first showed up?  what diagnostics were done?

9 years ago

well, it could be heart disease. this would require an echocardiogram at the very least, to determine whether the heart is enlarged. it’s not like they’re trying to nickle and dime you – they’re trying to determine the cause.