I have a 13 year old female chihuahua and lately when she walks her back…

I have a 13 year old female chihuahua and lately when she walks her back end goes sideways and she will just randomly fall

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julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Cheryl…..just to carry on from what Catherine has said. This could be more than a trapped nerve. It could be a tumour thats just grown enough to start causing symptoms. Again agree with Catherine she needs to see a Vet to find out whats going on. 

Good luck! 

Catherine Pepe
Catherine Pepe
9 years ago

Your pet has a pinched nerve in her spinal cord. It could mean something is pressing on it…or she is becoming paralized. It could just need some vet checking and ex rays. I would not let that go.

Good luck friend