My 13 year old female chihuahua has a licking issue. She licks herself all the…

My 13 year old female chihuahua has a licking issue. She licks herself all the time especially at night. But then she licks the bed or the furniture. Is this normal

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cheryl yoshida
cheryl yoshida
9 years ago

will the squirt bottle help with the barking. Its not like I am protecting barking its annoying high pitched barking

Catherine Pepe
Catherine Pepe
9 years ago

licking is a boardem response or anxiety problem. Like people bite their nails! So any kind of other stimuli that you can do for her by wearing her completely out and then giving you toys she can chew on will keep her busy. Then when she tried to do it again, squirt her with water and say no. Keep at this …you willl break it!

karolina dabrowski
karolina dabrowski
9 years ago

LOL that’s how Chihuahuas are. You should socialize your dog more let her/him go out more and meet other dogs. Don’t let your dog hide behind you let her bark all she wants alone in front of dogs and she/he wont feel so tough. As long as your dog isn’t a biter. As far as I know, the licking is a problem. Stress related. You should hire a dog specialist that trains dogs in your area.