So I thought he was making himself throw up to eat again. Because he…

So I thought he was making himself throw up to eat again. Because he doesn’t really cry or seem in pain. But I switched his food to see if that would help. But lately he’s been throwing up way more, and it’s mostly just clear and a small amount of white foam, and sometimes some food mixed in. He still doesn’t seem in pain and doesn’t cry. Sometimes he gags to get it out, other times he will literally just be walking and a small amount will come out. He’s also been drinking quite a bit of water lately. And urinating quite a bit when he goes outside. But other than these symptoms, he seems completely fine.

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9 years ago

Dogs don’t make themselves throw up in order to get it to eat it again. Throwing up for extended period of time, particularly after a meal is a concern. If stomach content comes out “on its own” without any heaving, it’s called regurgitation. That can have its own set of causes, such as megaesophagus, which is pretty serious stuff. Is he losing any weight? Reasons for vomiting can range from issues in the digestive system itself to systemic problems such as kidneys or liver. With your set of symptoms, please do take him to a vet and have this diagnosed… Read more »