The skin on her muzzle under the fur seems pinker than normal, too. Also, her…

The skin on her muzzle under the fur seems pinker than normal, too. Also, her nose seems to itch (she rubs her nose area vigorously against my fingers, not just normal face rubbing) and gets a little dark crust around the edges. I noticed her nose running with a little clear discharge while I was petting her, but I read that it’s common for a cat’s nose to run when it purrs, so I didn’t think that was part of this. Her ears itch, as well. They don’t have an odor and I don’t see anything in them. Sometimes the fur on her chin will be discolored with a reddish/orangish tint and I noticed an area of dried liquid with a light tinge of brown around the border where she’d been sleeping this morning. Is this an allergy? I have more pictures I can post that show the crustiness on her nose and her upper lip from below.

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Beth Burchard
Beth Burchard
9 years ago

Thank you, Kelly! It’s the angle of the picture. I had a normal looking one to post, but this one shows her mouth better. She does have fleas. I gave her an Rx oral med from the vet a month ago and it didn’t work. So I gave her a combo of Capstar and Program last night and have a spray to spray what I can’t wash to get any remaining eggs & larva. Maybe she has a flea allergy and this will be what she needs. I’ve done TNR with 8 feral cats over the past year. She was… Read more »

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

Hello,I’m not sure if it’s the angle of the photo or not, but your kitty looks like it’s upper mouth  and general face area is  swollen and  really distorted and does not look typical. The brown/reddish color you describe reminds me of exactly how dried flea dirt (blood) looks. So make sure that you examine her carefully with a flea comb to see if that is an issue for her. If she was an outside “feral” cat, be sure to get her tested for Felv/Fiv as well as a vet checkup to rule out upper respiratory infections, a rabies vaccine… Read more »