My 1.5 year old Yorkie Poo is finding rabbit poop in our yard and eating…

My 1.5 year old Yorkie Poo is finding rabbit poop in our yard and eating. So far my 11 month old Maltese has not started this habit. Is it dangerous? And how do I get the Yorkie Poo to STOP? Thanks for your help. Dawn

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Dawn, Thanks for your question. I have to tell you that I hear you! I understand your dilemma and I want you to know that you are not alone! Many of us move to no area that has amenities for us. I moved to the country for the open spaces, peace, solitude, and love of nature. BUT, I moved to a part of the country close to two major metropolitan cities so I can sneak in for the arts, the culture, and the gourmet food. I have the best of both worlds. For my pups they got open fields,… Read more »