Hi, I have a 16 year-old female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso who has been prone to seizures for…

Hi, I have a 16 year-old female Chihuahua/Lhasa-Apso who has been prone to seizures for several months and has been taking medication to prevent this. However; several days ago she had a convulsion – and since then, she has had an increase in jitters, seems mostly unresponsive to petting, has lost appetite, her tail is nearly always limp, and she appears lethargic.

On top of this, she also sounds as though she has fluid/mucus in her lungs, as she takes raspy deep-breaths every now and then. Since this morning, she has begun coughing up clear/bubbly + thick fluid every so-often, is refusing to drink/eat/ take seizure medication.

Her last check-in with the vet indicated that cancer was not present (At least, in her organs) and her blood did not indicate high cholesterol or diabetes.

Given the symptoms listed, what do you believe my dog is suffering from, and is there any medication/preventative measures I can treat my dog with to combat this illness?

Thanks 🙂

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Brayden Poole
Brayden Poole
8 years ago

Dog has almost made a full recovery over the last few day. After discussing with my vet, this can occur if she doesn’t take her medication or vomits it up, as well as if she had eaten food that is high in protein. I think that she must have vomited her pill up, and as such we’ve been increasing her dosage until we’re certain she’s completely well again. On top of that, we’ve changed her diet slightly by removing kangaroo meat from her food and only using white meat. The food we give her is always home-made and has been… Read more »