my 16 yr old yorkie had a tooth out and was given antibiotics and liquid…

my 16 yr old yorkie had a tooth out and was given antibiotics and liquid pain killer,about 2weeks ago but everytime she eats or drinks she seems to be in pain why is this

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yvonne mawhinney
yvonne mawhinney
9 years ago

Thankyou ,I did take her back vet said he could not see anything anything wrong he said I was to take her back and they would put her under again to have a look im so worried about this as she is 16 and is on heart tablets and its not been a month since they operated I just don’t know what to do help anyone please

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

I would call the vet that did the extraction and ask these questions.  They may need to do a followup check.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

You need to return to your vet for a recheck as soon as you can.

Good Luck!

Dr Dawn