I have a 1year and four month old chihuahua mix. She is 8 lb full…

I have a 1year and four month old chihuahua mix. She is 8 lb full grown, not over weight, and eats a grain free natural diet. Last night as I was petting her, I noticed this red bump. I am scared to death and am going to make a vet apt when they open today, but for now…anyone know what this bump could be? It is red, moveable, topical (doesn’t feel like it is attached to deep tissue at all), and is not causing pain. She is eating and drinking normally. should I be worried? Anyone have any ideas as to what it may be?

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7 years ago

GOod morning
It’s hard to tell from a photo, but it could be something as simple as a clogged hair follicle or a pimple, which hopefully that is all it is? I would still call the vet and make sure, but try not to stress yourself out over it. Good luck!

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I agree with Sarah. Also a bug bite, wound, etc? Dont get too worried. See your vet when you can about it. Also if she isn’t spayed I would inquire about that. That’s a bigger worry for me.