Her symptoms were panting,warm nose,left side abdominal pain,very unsettled and crouching like she needs to…

Her symptoms were panting,warm nose,left side abdominal pain,very unsettled and crouching like she needs to poop all the time.
Now shes stopped panting,nose still a bit warm and green vaginal discharge.
She is still eating and drinking as normal.No sickness

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Teresa-Ann McNeillie
Teresa-Ann McNeillie
8 years ago

She was spayed when she was 2. The vet gave her a jab and said keep her away from tit bits and fatty foods. I just feel helpless as i can see shes not feeling well, she is still eating and drinking as normal but looks under the weather. I put my trust in my vet but feel let down.I always try to stick to the same vet in the practice (like i do at the doctors for myself).But because i rushed her over i got a different vet from the practice.She said shes a bit over weight (which i… Read more »

Melissa DiGioia
Melissa DiGioia
8 years ago

Did they give her any medication or say she needs surgery? If she’s not in medication, I would take her back to the vet ASAP or at least call them. 

8 years ago

Is she spayed?  If not, I worry about a very serious health problem, pyometra…

Either way, I’d get her back to the vet NOW.

8 years ago

The discharge just started today, right? That would have me WORRIED and I’d have rushed her back in to the vet today about it.

And it’s always good to keep your dog at a proper weight. Please don’t make excuses, saying she’s a hoover. Provided she doesn’t have an issue like Cushing’s or hypothyroid, YOU control her weight – put raw green beans in her food while feeding her less of a good quality food. The green beans help to make her belly full without giving her added calories. Expect them to come out the other end mostly whole.