On Thursday my dog’s front right leg started to become very sensitive. I took her…

On Thursday my dog’s front right leg started to become very sensitive. I took her to the vet where they said she had just torn some tissue. They prescribed her two different pain medicines and they seem to be working. As of an hour ago that leg randomly starting oozing this grey, bloody discharge. In the beginning there was a lot but it has slowed down quite a bit, still it hasn’t stopped.

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Sounds like she had an injury that wasn’t seen and it abscessed.  Get her to the vet in the morning.

8 years ago

I would call my vet right away, or if they aren’t available I would at least call a 24 hour vet to get some sort of professional opinion if you don’t get a response from a medical professional on this website. I hope everything is ok!