2yr old chiuaua starts yelping & whining 2day. He wont let me comfort him…

2yr old chiuaua starts yelping & whining 2day. He wont let me comfort him. He bit me 4 the1st × EVER 2day trying to comfort him. He’s not himself. Won’t eat/drink & doesn’t want 2 lay anywhere but the floor.I hav mor but only 15 Ltrs Lft

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Lindsey Knouse
Lindsey Knouse
8 years ago

Hi, You can type more in a different section, that is just the title of the post. It sounds like he is in a lot of pain or discomfort, please get him examined by a vet.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

There is really not enough information to identify the exact cause of his pain.  However, my recommendation is to see a vet as soon as possible obviously he is in pain and needs to be treated.