Named, brave, sky and cherry. Cherry is the male (we thought they were all female…

Named, brave, sky and cherry. Cherry is the male (we thought they were all female) and sky is the one having a go at cherry. Help!

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Alex bate
Alex bate
9 years ago

Thank you, We have spayed the male now and will do so with the females. Should I remove the male from the room completely and fir how long? They are all in one room and no widows are open so they can’t go anywhere. Thank you

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

Agree!! Keep that male away from the mama cat and kittens. Peace and quiet for her while she recovers from birth and raises those kittens. Good luck!

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Yes take the male out of the equasion totally Alex. Let the 2 mothers raise their kittens in as much peace and quiet as possible ok. Good you had the male neutered….I would keep him out of the way at least until the kittens are weaned snd their mums are not so protective of them. Good luck….!

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Alex….all Sky is doing is protecting her kittens. This is normal behaviour don’t worry! I would try and keep the male away from the new mums….they will get very stressed with him being around and could abandon their babies. Please get your cats spayed and neutered. If you don’t your females will constantly be producing kittens. You will never find homes for them all…and there are enough unwanted cats out there already.Not only that you will be protecting the females against mammary tumours and your male from testicular cancer. Plus he will stop spraying urine everywhere, fighting with other… Read more »