some one said we uses in indoor wood floor and she seems to be not…
some one said we uses in indoor wood floor and she seems to be not burdening her so use it for deck…
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Sandra Sellers
9 years ago
My puppy wanted to chew everything in site. I tried to offer her a lot of different play toys to stimulate her interest and I found that bully sticks were wonderful for her to chew; monitored so they do not choke. Not all dogs take to nylabones but some do and kong products are great especially if you put something like cheese or peanutbutter inside and then they concentrate on licking instead of chewing. If she’s out on the deck by herself for a long period of time she’s probably bored and lonely. If she does it even when you… Read more »
My puppy wanted to chew everything in site. I tried to offer her a lot of different play toys to stimulate her interest and I found that bully sticks were wonderful for her to chew; monitored so they do not choke. Not all dogs take to nylabones but some do and kong products are great especially if you put something like cheese or peanutbutter inside and then they concentrate on licking instead of chewing. If she’s out on the deck by herself for a long period of time she’s probably bored and lonely. If she does it even when you… Read more »