She has her parvo shots but her sister passed away from an unknown illness and…

She has her parvo shots but her sister passed away from an unknown illness and I’m just worried that she might have got It. she has been really stressed recently and she’s been staying at numerous peoples house until we get the area disinfected at her home and she has been eating a multitude of different dog food she is used to Alpo and blue diamond but at other peoples house she has been eating kibbles and bits could be what’s wrong with her and what do I need to do to help her get rid of the diarrhea is an online that before at night tell me that I needed to keep her away from food and water for 12 hours. This seems kind of confusing to me thing as whenever someone has diarrhea they need to keep fluids to stay from dehydrating I’m very confused as to what to do.

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Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

The puppy that my friend was talking about on this post is not mine she doesn’t think that there’s anything stomach t
messed up I was just trying to let if she kept her away from water with her being as little as she is that she could get dehydrated really fast as much as she’s been passing diarrhea

Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

I’m sorry my keyboard is messed up what I meant to say I was just trying to let my friend know that keeping her away from water wasn’t going to do anything but dehydrate hurt and hurt her even more she asked 2 online vets and I told her to keep her away from food and water for 12 hours I did not believe that she should do this I was just trying to get confirmation from people that I know would give us the right information.

Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

The vet told them not to feed her anything or to give her any water what you

Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

What you have to understand is there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye. People are trying to poison our dogs my beagle lab mix as well. You made it sound as if we aren’t doing anything at all Molly has taken her dogs to the vet several times her vet I’ll as of this moment is incredibly steep. She loves her fur babies and treats them like her children. I can attest to this because her puppies visit me everyday. You almost make it sound like she doesn’t take care of them, but you’re seriously… Read more »

Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

Very rudely I might add. Also you were the one who called her out on what you seemed to believe was wrong. We asked for sincere heartfelt advice and your first comment was very sarcastic and rude.

Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

And Cleopatra has been to the vet test came back negative for canine distemper, adenovovirus type two, parainfluenza, and the parvovirus that is why we tried searching online to see what could be wrong. Before you assume we don’t take care of our animals.

Angel Medlock
Angel Medlock
9 years ago

That and we wouldn’t be searching online for help if we didn’t care.

Molly Bitch
Molly Bitch
9 years ago

Hey it’s my fucking dog and if you don’t like the way I’m doing shit the GET THE FUCK OFF THE POST THIS IS FOR SERIOUS HEARTFELT ANSWERS ONLY. If you have the money to send me to take my dog to the vet then by all means send it to me and I will take her because I had 4 dogs, my MEDICAL dog my husbands hunting dog, a dog that has been with me for 3-4 years, and this new puppy that was a rescue now then you don’t know the WHOLE STORY SO BACK THE FUCK OFF… Read more »

Molly Bitch
Molly Bitch
9 years ago

EXACTLY I don’t see how people like you are allowed around animals at all. My dogs would all bite you if they met someone so rude and judgemental

Molly Bitch
Molly Bitch
9 years ago

Hmm i’m blocked really this lady shouldn’t have stuck her nose into my business nice try though you wanna block somebody then block the one that wants to start the attitudes and sarcasm crap BY THE WAY MY DOG IS FINE SO DON’T RUN YOUR MOUTH WHERE IT AIN’T WANTED PEACE OUT

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi Angel, you need to take her to the Vet urgently! 

Never mind starve her, keep her away from water….this is a 3 month old puppy who has just lost her sibling from an unknown illness. Plus shes been here there and everywhere, fed different foods (why didn’t you get her food to send with her?)  and could have picked up any infection going. …now shes got diahrrea and is vomiting?

Why aren’t you at the Vet already?! 

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

I don’t want to speak out of turn here Angel…but doesn’t your friend realise how serious this is? This pup could still have Parvo even though shes had her shots. Her sibling died…..this puppy is very ill and needs to see a Vet urgently. I don’t understand why people get dogs and then risk their lives…it astounds me

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Oh I see…..apologies to you Angel, you should have made it clear this wasn’t your puppy. Well I hope your friend takes her to the Vet urgently or she could easily lose her like her sibling.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

As our Vet Krista said…keeping water away from a puppy this young is dangerous! Shes just 3 months old…..dehydration can set in very easily at thaf age and she could die from it….shes already vomiting and has diarrhea..and already losing fluid. There is no messing about with puppies….this one needs a Vet now. I hope your friend realises that.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

No need for the abuse. You asked for advice on here. You got it.