my 4 year old dog constantly gets ear infections….I have tried medicines from the vet…

my 4 year old dog constantly gets ear infections….I have tried medicines from the vet but nothing works

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brigitte montanye
brigitte montanye
8 years ago

thank you for your info

brigitte montanye
brigitte montanye
8 years ago

thanks I have her vet check for other problems

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

If you haven’t gotten all the grains out of your dog’s diet, now is the time to do so.  Many dogs show no signs of an allergy, other than their constant ear infections. If you buy your dog food at the grocery store, or a big box store (WalMart for example) then you need to stop doing that, and go find a pet store that sells premium dog food.  Find a pet store (that does not sell puppies!) and ask to be shown to their grain-free dog food area.  Then start reading labels.  You want one that lists real meat (beef,… Read more »

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

I once had a dog with this problem. It was so bad the vet wanted to put him to sleep. A new vet came to town and I went there for a second opinion because I couldn’t see the sense in putting down an otherwise very healthy dog just because his ears were badly infected. This new vet put my dog under and shaved all the hair and gunk out from deep down in his ears. When I picked him up the next day he told me there was so much stuff in his ears that there was no way… Read more »

8 years ago

Chronic infections of any kind always have an underlying issue to bring them about. With ears, it could be the anatomy of the ears, it could be allergies (it’s allergies most of the time) … the only way to truly address the infections is to find and address the underlying cause.

8 years ago

It’s kind of like having blisters on your feet. You can treat the blisters but you need to see whether your shoes are too large, too small, there is a rock in them … otherwise the blisters will keep coming back.