My 4 year old male Bug named Max has bubble like sores on the tip…
My 4 year old male Bug named Max has bubble like sores on the tip of his penis. Not on the outer skin, but on his actual penis. I will post pictures when able.
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Ashon Cofield
9 years ago
I can try to get better pictures if need be
Ashon Cofield
9 years ago
I will get him to the vet ASAP! Thank you.
PK Dennis
9 years ago
Wow, that looks painful! Don’t know what it is, but eager to see what Dr. Krista has to say!
I can try to get better pictures if need be
I will get him to the vet ASAP! Thank you.
Wow, that looks painful! Don’t know what it is, but eager to see what Dr. Krista has to say!