Why is my 4 year old male cat spraying me when we’re both in the…

Why is my 4 year old male cat spraying me when we’re both in the bathroom

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Brenda Olson
Brenda Olson
8 years ago

Yes Bell is neutered kitten’s aren’t yet so ? Is how to keep the kitten out of his box Laura he was at the vet for shots about month ago clean 3 boxes out 1-2. x’s a day. Thanks for responding Laura.

8 years ago

That’s odd!  My guess is he’s stressed and is showing his stress.  I saw your other post about the kittens…is HE neutered?  Do you have 4 litterboxes (one per cat plus one)?  Are those litterboxes VERY clean?

Bringing in new animals cause upheaval in a home, even if you do it the right way with slow introductions.  ASSUMING HE IS IN GOOD HEALTH, and assuming you’ve had him checked since this started, I’d suggest picking up some feliway from petsmart or petco.  I’d also prevent him from going into the bathroom with you.

8 years ago

Like I said: try Feliway. I’d also give him some personal time with you (away from the bathroom) – this COULD be his way of claiming you.