i have a puppy 4 month old lab, yesterday the vet he did a…

i have a puppy 4 month old lab, yesterday the vet he did a surgery for the stomach,because is not well for the last 4 days ,he has diarrheas and vomiting ,is in the vet on in the fluids and medication the vet said to me he has gastroenteritis .someone tell me is chance to survived?i miss him so much i really want him to come back home

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Alexandra Cristian Stefan
Alexandra Cristian Stefan
8 years ago

the food is royal canine ,i am relly worry for him i don’t want him to die,he is still in the vet clinic with the fluids

Alexandra Cristian Stefan
Alexandra Cristian Stefan
8 years ago

yesterday he has surgery for the stomac to see if he has eating a toy or something not good,and he find out he has gastroenteritis thanks to talk with me

Alexandra Cristian Stefan
Alexandra Cristian Stefan
8 years ago

thanks so much i wish his to come back home i love him so much and i miss him

Alexandra Cristian Stefan
Alexandra Cristian Stefan
8 years ago

i dont want him to die

8 years ago

i BELIEVE gastroenteritis is something a dog can survive but you need to change his diet drastically.  what do you normally feed him?  have you asked your vet what food you should be feeding?

8 years ago

hmm. that’s odd…i don’t believe Royal Canin should be causing gastroenteritis.

beyond this, i don’t know if I can help you. i am not a vet and i am not a nutritionist. but talk with the vet about what could have caused this and how to avoid it in the future.

8 years ago

i understand! he’s so young to be away from home!