I have a 4 month old pug who suddenly stopped eating and drinking now she…

I have a 4 month old pug who suddenly stopped eating and drinking now she is just lying around sleeping

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11 years ago

Hi Carrie,

not eating and drinking is a concern enough in itself. Just lying around and sleeping would be a concern enough in itself also.

Dogs LOVE to eat. When a dog doesn’t eat, there is a serious problem.

All I can advise you here is to visit your vet as soon as possible. How long has this gone on? Did you check for dehydration? Are the gums good a pink? Or are they pale or dark? Any vomiting or diarrhea?

In any case, please do call your veterinarian right away.


Kasey Litt
Kasey Litt
11 years ago

Hi Carrie —

The best bet always is to take your pug to the vet. Has you pug’s potty habits changed too? Will the pup eat any treats? Has it eaten anything odd that you know of? Is it’s belly distended?

I am not a vet but if any of my dogs stopped eating and drinking suddenly, I would go see a professional. Good luck!

Kasey Litt
Kritter Keepers