she had 5 puppies all were born in their sacs breech. my husband and I…

she had 5 puppies all were born in their sacs breech. my husband and I had to break their sacs and get them to breathe because she wasn’t doing it and had no interest in pups till last one was born. this is her first litter and one of the pups died at 2 days. shes been a good mom, fed and cleaned them well. she eats a lot but I noticed shes drinking more water than she ever has. some days she just lays around like she doesn’t feel well and others shes her old spunky self. any idea what could be going on?

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Ashley jenkins
Ashley jenkins
9 years ago

thank you for answering, i took her to the vet. he said she didn’t have a fever a doesn’t have any abnormal discharge as far as he could tell. he didn’t seem too concerned at all, but he doesn’t know my dog like i do. i really feel there is something wrong. the pups are now 9 weeks old and arent really nursing anymore. when i let her out to play they basically attack her and try to nurse but i pull them off her and she growls and nips at them. but I noticed that after they do actually… Read more »

Vicki Hamill
Vicki Hamill
9 years ago

What can I add…take the advice of the Vet from this website !!