He just started this last night. I set something on the floor for…

He just started this last night. I set something on the floor for him to eat and he just kinda dances around it. He has never done this before. If I pick it up and give it to him he eats it. If I put it in his bowl (that is raised)he eats it no problem.

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brenda sumner
brenda sumner
9 years ago

No nothing else. He is going outside and everything seems to be working normal. He puts his head down to sniff the ground, it just seems to be when he eats.

brenda sumner
brenda sumner
9 years ago

No new food. He eats what ever it is if I hand it to him or if it’s in his bowl. I even had to raise his water bowl this morning.

brenda sumner
brenda sumner
9 years ago

I just got home and gave him one of his favorite treats, same thing dropped it on the floor and kind of circled it. I feed it to him and he eats it. He doesn’t seem to have pain but dogs don’t show pain all the time. If he scratched his throat with something would he maybe act that way?

brenda sumner
brenda sumner
9 years ago

I am going to take him in and have him checked. Thanks for your time.

9 years ago

Any other abnormalities with head movement? Any signs of pain?

9 years ago

Was it some new food item by chance? Is it still happening? Did you try with different foods/treats?

9 years ago

Hm, something is going on there; I’d still suspect pain of sorts. I’d have him checked. Sometimes things start out subtle.

9 years ago

Not sure if a scratch could have done it but I do feel that SOMETHING hurts when he tries to get it off the floor.