My 5 year old beagle seems to have the symptoms of lazy tail syndrome…

My 5 year old beagle seems to have the symptoms of lazy tail syndrome. She is eating, drinking and using the bathroom properly but is not wagging her tail and holding it up. Whay can I do for her until payday

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Angie Pearce
Angie Pearce
9 years ago

I think my Brook got hers after her bath. We went for a walk and she rolled around on the grass like she normally does after her bath. But I was wondering…what if her tail wasn’t fully dry and the cold from the ground together… could that cause her problem. Everything was fine shortly after that but then she went to sleep for a while and when she got up that’s when I noticed her licking at her tail. I tried to touch it but she yelped. I went on line and got some information. I just want to be… Read more »