My 5 month old puppy has a decreased appeitite for the last 5 days and…

My 5 month old puppy has a decreased appeitite for the last 5 days and had stopped eating since last night and only drinks a little water and vomits clear liquid. Please help.

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Cassandra Leitch
Cassandra Leitch
9 years ago

Thank you for your prayers for my baby, but sadly he passed this morning

Cassandra Leitch
Cassandra Leitch
9 years ago

Thank you for your advice, but sadly my baby passed this morning

Jamie Rutherford
Jamie Rutherford
9 years ago

I’ve lost a dog to parvo, and this is exactly what happened with her.
Actually, we lost 5 dogs on my block because of it.
Please get your pup some medical attention asap!
If you can’t this very minute, offer him pedialite to keep him hydrated until you can(still get him in ASAP!)
Praying for the lil guy/girl ?