His in serious pain and i dont know what to do, cant take him to…

His in serious pain and i dont know what to do, cant take him to the vet or any where cost to much we are giving him away when he turned 7 weeks is there any way i could drop him off somewhere to take care of him for free i rather have him feel better then in pain.

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Diedra Cardamone
9 years ago

Hi Dan. I am sorry your puppy is hurt. He definitely needs to go to the vet – being so young it is crucial. Pawn something, sell something, ask your friends and family – where there’s a will there’s a way. Some people surrender their pet to the vet in order to save its life. Please get your pets fixed for 2 reasons – you say you can’t afford it and there are already so many unwanted animals needing homes and dying in shelters today. I hope your pup gets help and gets better. Diedra