No changes in behavior or appetite. Have given Pedialyte & mixed rice water with…

No changes in behavior or appetite. Have given Pedialyte & mixed rice water with a little bit of her food (Eukanuba for mature small breeds)

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Megan Hensler
Megan Hensler
8 years ago

Angel, Several things can cause diarrhea in dogs. I would collect a fresh fecal sample and see your veterinarian. They can test for intestinal parasites which could be the cause and treat accordingly. They can also determine if your pet is dehydrated. Any time I have a pet that is having fluid loss from either end (ie. vomiting or diarrhea) I worry about them becoming dehydrated. Furthermore your veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam and gain adequate history to try and narrow down the cause of the diarrhea and thus which treatment route to pursue. A bland diet for… Read more »