My 7 pound dog injested a heaping tablespoon of cold pressed coconut oil over a…

My 7 pound dog injested a heaping tablespoon of cold pressed coconut oil over a month ago and still has loose stools with some watery blood drops. Help

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Melinda Wiley
Melinda Wiley
8 years ago

You should see a vet, he may be dehydrated as more than a few days of diarreah can cause dehydration and there may be an underlying health issue and not the coconut oil.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

You need to take him to a vet your dog may have pancreatitis or an inflamed gastrointestinal tract which needs to be treated.

La'Dawn Helton
La'Dawn Helton
8 years ago

There may be another underlying condition that really needs to be treated. When was the last time your dog was wormed? It may have absolutely nothing to do with the coconut oil…. or it may. Has she continued to stay on the same diet or have any changes been made?