Since she’s a puppy she usually sleeps most of the times…. That’s why I’m not…

Since she’s a puppy she usually sleeps most of the times…. That’s why I’m not sure how I can tell

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Erika Ceruti
Erika Ceruti
8 years ago

First, she sleeps all the time means that she sleep between 18 to 20 hours… Which is normal for a puppy. Second she went to vet yesterday and she’s super healthy.
Third as soon as it happend I called her vet and that’s what they told me.
Fourth fortunately she’s her usual self playing and wiggling her tail and being super active in those moments when she’s awake. Thank you for all your answers. Just wanted to let you know she’s fine and I’m in communication with her vet.

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

I would agree with the wait and see approach if you did not have an underage pup. Trauma and internal injuries are more common in very young pups. Also, at 7 wks. she should not be sleeping most of the time. She should play and be trying to bite your fingers, etc. Then sleep for a bit and be up exploring her world again. Please take her to the vet.

8 years ago

did you tell them you have an underage puppy?  i would be pushing the issue – she could have head trauma or internal injuries from the fall.