Out walking last night. She went off into the woods where I live jumped the…

Out walking last night. She went off into the woods where I live jumped the ditch and has come back lamb. can put weight on the left hind lag but unable to turn or jump, Some swelling round stiffel no pain when touching it but very uncoordinated at times when walking

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Amy Bryant
Amy Bryant
9 years ago

Thank you, gave her 1/2 teaspoon of infernt calpol till i can get her to the vest tomz

Amy Bryant
Amy Bryant
9 years ago

A vet frined of mine said i can give it as its safe in very low doses calpol os a liquid parateamol for babys and children

Amy Bryant
Amy Bryant
9 years ago

Its A uk medicen

9 years ago

i would have her on crate rest while indoors and limited low-energy leash time when outside until you can get her to the vet – her normal levels of exercise can exacerbate the problem.  she IS in pain if she’s not using the leg, so a vet needs to be involved.

9 years ago

i have no idea what that is, but PLEASE do NOT give human-grade medicines. many of them can be toxic to pets.

the BEST thing you can do is keep her confined for now. seriously.

9 years ago

mmm. gotcha.