What can I do for an 8 month old puppy with terrible, smelly gas?

What can I do for an 8 month old puppy with terrible, smelly gas?

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Elizabeth Kinser
Elizabeth Kinser
10 years ago

Thank you both for your answers. Answering your questions – we have two Bernese Mountain Dog puppies (8 months) and they have had recurrent stomach problems. After treating for parasites and changing foodwhen they were younger, they seemed to have settled down. They are eating Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Chicken and Sweet Potato. Once they switched to that, the diarrhea and soft stools stopped, however, the gas continued but sporadically. I was also giving them VetriScience Probiotic chews, but stopped that when we were trying to figure out what was causing the stomach issues. They ate nothing but dog food.… Read more »

Elizabeth Kinser
Elizabeth Kinser
10 years ago

Thanks, Krista. They tested positive for giardia. How long do you recommend between the three fecals? I’ll be bringing the first sample in for re-testing in about 2 weeks. Three tests every 2 weeks or longer in between? They are feeling and smelling better 🙂

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
10 years ago

Could you tell me what you are feeding, what supplements you give and how long the gas has been going on?  How are his/her stools – firm, soft?  When does the gas occur – anytime, or only after meals? If the stools are soft it would be good to have the stool checked for parasites by your local veterinarian. The quick and easy answer is to begin using probiotics. My favorite is Mitomax, a super probiotic. I have had many animals’ smelly gas clear up while using this, though sometimes they need to stay on it. Unlike other probiotics, it is… Read more »

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
10 years ago

the small worms you saw were probably tapeworms, whose eggs may not show up on a fecal, so be sure the vet staff saw the worms that you saw. they could also just be fly larvae and not from inside the dogs.  Tthere are a number of holistic approaches that could stop the gas and even firm up the stools (raw meat diet, other diets, marshmallow root, aloe vera, charcoal, slippery elm, Reiki, flower essences to name a few) and conventional drugs.  Since this has been a chronic issue, the very best approach will be to address the underlying energetic… Read more »