Last week he cried and it was bleeding underneath his nail on his back paw…

Last week he cried and it was bleeding underneath his nail on his back paw. We stopped the bleeding and he seemed to be ok besides favoring it a little and licking. We eased up on his physical activity for a few days and he seemed to go back to normal. Yesterday morning he started bleeding a little and won’t let me get close look at the paw and licks it more. He still loves to play and eats normally. Is it something that will heal on its own or should I take him in to see our vet?

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Briana Benson
Briana Benson
9 years ago

Thanks so much! I’m waiting until my vet office opens to call.

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

that looks infected, he probably broke a nail under the skin and it has gotten infected. I would take him to the vet.  You could soak his paw in warm water and epsom salts and it may help the pain some