8 week old female kitten not defecting properly….several days. My 21 year old daughter (away at college) …

8 week old female kitten not defecting properly….several days. My 21 year old daughter (away at college) just got a kitten last Tuesday. She noticed the kitten wasn’t pooping but the kitten was trying but either nothing was coming out or a piece was stuck in and hanging of her rectum. Sometimes my daughter returns to the room where the kitten is and finds smears of poop. he took her to the ER and they gave the kitten an enema… which sort of worked a bit and the kitten did go on Friday (the day after). They wanted to do more such as an X-ray and give fluids but the cost was so high my daughter didn’t want to do that. Since then, the kitten is trying to go anywhere and everywhere but nothing coming out. Occasionally some poop smears are found. Thus far the kitten has been in decent spirits…. playful a bit and eating wet food (with a little aded water). Of course, I’m sure this will change fast. Last night the kitten tried to poop while sitting on my daughters lap. 🙁
We have an appt. on Tuesday afternoon at a local vet whom I use for my cats and I trust….. I’m worried we can’t wait til then to get her checked. Any suggestions on what could be going on? I’m worried its something more serious. Thank you so much for your consideration!!!

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Krista Magnifico
3 months ago

Hello, I think that every 21 year old college person needs to rethink such a young pet. I also think that you should regard yourself as this kittens parent until she is spayed and fully vaccinated. Kittens, and anything this young are inherently fragile and vulnerable and need constant supervision and immediate veterinary care from the first days of adoption. As far as being able to wait until Tuesday I cannot answer that with anything other than what I wrote above. The minute you fear there is a problem you should be at a vets office. I hope she is… Read more »