She has sores in ears & swollen neck & face. Could this be strangles? Ears…

She has sores in ears & swollen neck & face. Could this be strangles? Ears are oozing and pup is lethargic. I have limited income for vet and would like to walk back in with an idea. It reads like some descriptions of Strangles, just backwards from how I read it.

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Carrie Frank
Carrie Frank
9 years ago

She felt where the injury was and decided that the treatment would be the same because it wasn’t snapped. wrapped, pain meds and revisit in a week. Now with added symptoms I am glad she didn’t add the expense.

Laura Kyle
9 years ago

Hello, did your vet take X-rays?

Laura Kyle
9 years ago

She might need further diagnostics. Maybe her initial pain was related to the joint pain? I would have bloodwork done and perhaps survey X-rays. Good luck! I hope she improves