We have an 8 wk old puppy that loves to chew our dining rm chairs…

We have an 8 wk old puppy that loves to chew our dining rm chairs. I have numerous chew toys for her. Is rawhide okay to give her? Is there any product I can apply to chairs?

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Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
10 years ago

Hi Kathy, There are a few things you can try. Offering other types of toys for her is one suggestion, there are toys that you can put small treats into, and the puppy can roll them along and a treat comes out. They keep them distracted from chewing. Also change up and rotate the toys you have so that they seem “new” and interesting.   They make commercial sprays you can apply on furniture for this purpose, I’ve also heard people having success with putting hot pepper spray on furniture to deter them. Bitter Apple spray seems to work the… Read more »