Thought it was some dog treats so we threw out the treats but that was…

Thought it was some dog treats so we threw out the treats but that was 2 days ago and he threw up again today. I feed him half can wet and a cup and a half dry, all Pedigree brand.

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Beth Spicer
Beth Spicer
9 years ago

Thanks Kelly, the only thing I’ve done in the past month and a half was start adding dry food to his diet. For years my boyfriend only gave him wet food so I started to slowly introduce dry to him and it’s been fine so I don’t think it’s that, in fact he eats the dry by itself and likes it. We did just recently move and I’m not sure if maybe he eat something in a neighbors yard…

9 years ago

Hi Beth,

Sorry your dog isn’t feeling well. It’s definitely a good idea to go see your vet when vomiting happens routinely or more than once. It could have been the treats, but who knows. Try offering boiled chicken and rice, or withhold food for the day and offer tomorrow and see if things change. Did you change the regular food that he’s getting , that could be it too, unless you have kept that the same. To be safe, I’d go see your vet.

good luck!


9 years ago

Hi Beth, ahh,,could be the move/neighbors yard…maybe monitor him when he’s outside and see if he’s eating any plants or bugs? Our dog always throws up from eating stink bugs lately. Good luck!!