My 9 mo chiweenie has no accidents when in the bathroom for 8-10 hours consistently…

My 9 mo chiweenie has no accidents when in the bathroom for 8-10 hours consistently. When in the living room for up to 5-7 hours, she uses a pee pad about 95% of the time. When we’re home, she’ll have accidents 50% of the time. Why is this?

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Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson
8 years ago

The dog is in the bathroom with enough room to walk around while we are at work from 7:30am-3pm. Are there no other pet owners that go to work and leave their pets at home during this time? Do you suggest a doggy day care at $25 a day?! This is a ridiculous comment and has offered no useful advice. My other dog, who is older, has the same routine and has absolutely no accidents after being transitioned to having free roam of the house while we are not here. I don’t agree with crating because of the ridiculously small… Read more »

Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson
8 years ago

I am seeking the advice of a dog owner, not a “cat owner” as your tag says. Your comments accuse the majority of the population of dog owners here, as most people work a full workday and still own dogs. Just Google it and you’ll find plenty of information on crate training and the like. It’s something that dog owners are pretty informed about. You obviously don’t understand the basic training of puppies so maybe you’ll come to your senses after doing some research. Here is some information on this from the Humane Society website- “Generally speaking, a puppy can… Read more »

Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson
8 years ago

Very well written and impressive. I’m sure you’re right on all accounts! I’m going to reflect on your comments each and every day and pray I can become the wonderful pet owner you are. Thanks for not sugar coating things, I honestly think it’s brought me to me senses!!! Ooops, I have to go clean up more pee now! 😉

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I have to agree with Angela here – you are not meeting the social needs of this dog – and you don’t have to be a dog person to see that. This dog sees the bathroom as its den and so pees in the rest of the house, which is a normal response. Adjust your life to interact with this dog more often or find it a home where it can have its social needs met.

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

You lock your dog in the bathroom for 8 – 10 hours? If that’s what your saying I object completely!! It sounds like your dog isn’t getting enough human interaction and it is probably nervous around you making it pee when excited. You need to seriously really think if your able to own a dog if you lock it up 8- 10 hours a day in a bathroom. That’s almost cruel in my opinion.  If this is true then this dog is young enough to be re-homed with a family that has the time to love and care and interact… Read more »

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

Being at home all day and being locked in a small confined space with little to no noise at all is not the same thing.   Would you lock a child in the bathroom all day just because it can move around? And  possibly the reason he is peeing everywhere when you take him out is because he is so excited to be out he can’t control himself. Yes a doggy daycare would be much better! This is the reason people dont get dogs as pets because they require more attention and care and people that aren’t home all day… Read more »

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

I am currently a cat owner but have owned many dogs for many many years. I choose not to have one at this time because of my work schedule. I am not a selfish being.  I’m sorry you couldn’t get the sugar coated answer you were looking for. You think this animal is here to appease you for the mere 5 hours a night you are able to be in its presence.  That’s ridiculous.  You came to a public forum and you don’t like what you hear my dear. The facts remain the same. You leave this animal in a… Read more »