A few of my co-workers and I have been taking care of some feral cats that …

A few of my co-workers and I have been taking care of some feral cats that hang around my office. Those co-workers have since moved on. So that leaves me with the expenses of food and such. I’m doing my best to keep up because I truly care for these cats. I would like to get some flea and tic medicine on them…. They do allow me to get near them and also pet them, just for a minute though! Anyone know where to find highly discounted meds for them?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

If you have a hard time handling then then the best option might be comfortis. Otherwise the spray version of frontline is very affordable but not easy to apply.

5 years ago

Good morning???? You might also want to contact local rescue organizations. They may have an in with a TNR group to get these cats fixed and help control the cat population from expanding. They also may be able to get you needed help in caring for this colony.