A repeat rhinoscopy on my 11 year old cat revealed new tissue growth in the nasopharyngeal space …

A repeat rhinoscopy on my 11 year old cat revealed new tissue growth in the nasopharyngeal space with a very small polyp that has not changed in size since last year. The new tissue growth and polyp was biopsied again (last year it was negative) for cancer which is what the vet suspects. Her labs are all normal. I will have a definitive diagnosis in 3-5 days. If it comes back negative again, it would be highly indicative of Nasopharyngeal Stenosis according to the vet. Has anyone out there had any experiences with this possible diagnosis? In the meantime my kitty continues to have very noisy and difficulty breathing with trouble swallowing her food. The nasopharyngeal flush did nothing to improve her symptoms this. I am doing my best to keep her calm and adding water to her pate food to assist with eating as she still has a very good appetite. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I have to say this is a very rare condition in cats for me. I am not sure who you are using for this but my recommendation would be to find a feline specialist who is also focused on internal medicine. If possible. If not go with one or the other. But get a second opinion. Also I am not sure if they offered any possible treatment options but a surgeon might be able to help. The Veterinary colleges are also excellent resources to utilize. Please keep me posted on what happens. And also make sure your cat is… Read more »