Friends, my beagle, Abby is on bed rest and will be for 6-8 weeks. It’s…

Friends, my beagle, Abby is on bed rest and will be for 6-8 weeks. It’s been a little bit over than a week and I think she is getting fussy/lonely. She would always howl and bark during the day & night. As much as we want to keep her company and be with her 24/7, it’s hard because we all have school, work and other obligations.

When she first started doing this, the family thought there was something wrong and rushed to her side but she just wants to be petted and see people. It’s getting very annoying to having to wake up at 1am because she won’t stop howling or barking, especially when we have to wake up the next day, and sometimes (this is what’s told by my vet) we would ignore her because she has to learn that this might be her life now for a long time and she needs to learn how to self sooth and accept the fact that no one is there to clean her poop or pee right a way…

I understand where my pet is coming from, we cannot communicate with them and they cannot communicate with us. My dog is probably terrified out of her mind as to why she cannot move and has to stay, and truths to be told, I would be bored too if I had to stay in bed for 6-8 weeks. We’ve tried our best to keep her company when we can, but if any owners out there can provide us with some advice as to entertainment wise for pets (maybe a bone she can snack on without gaining so much weight), or some kind of a toy that can keep her entertained, it would be much appreciated.

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debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
9 years ago

I didn’t read back so I don’t have all the details, but I’ll bet your dog is terrified and looking to you to fix it. Is she in pain? Dogs absolutely do communicate with us. If I told you some of what my dogs do you’d be convinced. All animals communicate with people but you have to “listen”. Her barking and howling and having to soil her crate have her totally stressed and frightened, Her whole life has changed. Your vet should be giving her something for anxiety. Same as with people…stress is a killer. Her howling is a cry… Read more »

dakoda peterson
dakoda peterson
9 years ago

Try diapers for one. For two give that dog as much attention you can when your home. Do not give up.