My dog has had about 10 seizures since last nite he is taking phenobarbital he…

My dog has had about 10 seizures since last nite he is taking phenobarbital he is 11yrs old

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Paul Cullen
Paul Cullen
6 years ago

We did they put Jim on phenobarbital but he still having just as many seizures is der anything we can do or give until we have enuf money to go back to vets we only get paid on Mondays and we brought him Monday gone they put him on phenobarbital 2 2wice a day

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Please consider this an emergency and go immediately to your vets office.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Perhaps you can Call the vet and ask for a prescription of Valium? Or another sedative to help manage the seizures like gabapentin? Maybe these can help and be affordable? They are also available at human pharmacies and often are very affordable. Or ask your vet to see you and allow you to make payments. Your pup needs help ASAP.