About seventeen days ago,our cat was bitten by another cat,she wasn’t treating as …

About seventeen days ago,our cat was bitten by another cat,she wasn’t treating as the same so we brought her to visit doctor the next day,
She had fever and had stopped eating,
They started antibiotics,we had vaccinated her about two months ago,so they decided that vaccination is not necessary,
After seven days she started to get worse,
And now we found an abscess in her waist,so they drained it and start another antibiotics and started cleaning the abscess with iodide and h2o2 3 percent,
She seemed to be better after two days,but stopped and again started getting worse so she doesn’t eat and hides from us ,we saw that while cleaning and washing the abscess area under the skin, is getting bigger,an right now after 10 days she is getting worse and worse,can you please give us some directions,please help her,she is in a very dangerous situation and our vet don’t know what to do،

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

It sounds like a more aggressive approach might be warranted. I would ask the vet to consider doing blood work, culture the wound to look for the best antibiotic and hospitalization with iv fluids.

That would be my plan if this were my patient.

Best of luck.