After having our AC in our house stop working last night, I am wondering what…

After having our AC in our house stop working last night, I am wondering what temperatures cats can tolerate before a health hazard exists. I see plenty of information out there on dogs but little on cats

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Steve, Thank-You for the very important question!! And for reminding us all, once again, that our kitties (which still far outnumber dogs), always have to play second fiddle to their bigger, slower, domestic partners, dogs. The good news is that cats are incredibly smart, instinctive creatures. They intuitively know to sleep during the hottest part of the day and to stay low and hide in a dark moist spot..outdoor cats will hide under a shelter on the cool moist soil, or deep in heavily shaded foliage. They are calm, quiet, and slow their metabolism by sleeping or relaxing as… Read more »